Bottesford & District Angling Association
Safety Policy Statement
Safety Policy Statement
Bottesford and District Angling Association is committed to ensuring that it will do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent injury and damage to property. We will have due regard for protecting all other people who come into contact with the Associations activities.
When dealing with health and safety issues officials, members, and volunteers carrying out activities have a clear understanding of the need to operate within the context of this policy and arrangements.
Officials, members and volunteers involved in events or work parties will take all reasonable steps to safeguard all those taking part in activities and those who may be affected by them.
Bottesford and District Angling Association will cooperate with other organisations (landowners etc) to ensure risks are properly controlled.
Health and Safety Arrangements
Duty of Care
Bottesford and District Angling Association requires that all people involved in organising activities, work parties and day to day management consider the consequences of their acts and omissions and ensure that those acts/or omissions do not give rise to a foreseeable risk of injury to any other person.
Risk Assessment
Bottesford and District Angling Association will ensure that suitable risk assessments are carried out and the results of the assessments are implemented. The aim of risk assessment is to avoid harm and to promote the health, safety and welfare of all involved or who may be affected by an activity (work or leisure). As members of Bottesford and District Angling Association, administrators and event organisers have not only a moral but also a legal responsibility to ensure that club activities and any organised events are as safe as practicably possible. Risk assessments will be carried out with a view of minimising risk as well as reducing the likelihood of accidents happening; in the event of an accident it will also reduce the chance of serious injury or ill health
Risk Assessment procedures require the Assessors to consider:
The Risk Assessment document will be completed and signed by the responsible person, key actions will be conveyed (where appropriate read and understood) to all participating so that they know and understand what is expected of them.
Person in charge (Chairman)
Officials & Organisers
Club officials, administrators and/or organisers (persons in charge of a work activity or events) are primarily responsible for ensuring safety is properly managed. He/she has the responsibility to undertake all measures available to ensure the safety and well-being of all persons taking part in an activity/event and those who could be affected by the event. The success of an activity/event depends on effective management. The event organiser must ensure that there is effective:
Responsibilities of volunteers
First aid & Incident reporting
First Aid responsible persons must have attended basic first aid instruction.
Incident reporting procedure
In the event of an incident or accident involving personal injury the following procedures must be followed:
All injuries other than minor cuts and abrasions should be recorded on 'accident forms'. It is a requirement that both the injured party and the responsible person sign the form. If the circumstances of the accident are not clear - notes of the accident must be made on the form.
If there are doubts about the nature or seriousness of the injury, the responsible person will ensure the injured person is given appropriate medical attention as soon as possible.
Contact the Association
President: Mr Brian Cross 01949 844817
Chairman: Mr Mick Calcraft 07880 728680
Match Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Treasurer/ Wesite Manager: Nick Pounder email:
Brian Cross (President) 01949 844817
Mick Calcraft (Chairman) 01949 842817
Bryan Baines (Match Secretary) 01400 318345 or 07538 876131