Bottesford & District Angling Association
Grantham Canal
There is no closed season on the Grantham Canal therefore year long angling can be enjoyed.
The B&DAA controlled Grantham Canal (Day Tickets Available) is a mixed coarse fishery. The Half Mile Section is primarily the Associations match length and has been comprehensively stocked with roach, bream, rudd, tench and carp. As this is the match length please look out for signs of forthcoming matches on the website and at the access point to avoid dissapointment.
As most waters, the Grantham Canal does suffer with weed growth. The Association endevours the maintain the pegs/ swims as best as possible but it is advisable to be prepared to rake your swim prior to fishing.
The canal is very popular with walkers, cyclists etc, so be aware of people passing your peg and ensure the safety of your fishing tackle.
No vehicles are to be driven on the towpath. Please be considerate when parking.
The different sections/ pounds offer a wide range of fish species and various methods and techniques can be used. The sections and access points are:
Woolsthorpe Wharf - Rutland Arms (Dirty Duck) PH - Bridge (B61).
Section: The Duck
Location: Cross over the bridge adjacent to the Dirty Duck PH.
Parking: Park in field on left just over the bridge.
Pegs: Pegs 1 - 12 (these pegs have slabs to provide a level position to fish from)
Access: Pegs 1 to 7 go through clapper gate or under bridge and along the hard towpath)
Pegs 8 - 12 next to field and opposite the Pub.
Species: Rudd, Roach, Perch, Tench, Skimmer Bream and Pike
Half Mile Section (Match Length)
Section: Half Mile between Lock 16 and Lock 15.
Location: Cross over bridge adjacent to the Dirty Duck PH and turn left immeadiately into field.
Parking: Parking can be behind pegs 13 - 31, park behind peg in the field (not on towpath).
Pegs: 13 - 50
Species: Rudd, Roach, Perch, Tench, Skimmer Bream, Carp and Pike.
Twin Bridges Section (Stenwith Bridge B60)
Section: Twin Bridges Section between Lock 15 and Lock 14.
Location: On Woolsthorpe Lane between Stenwith and Sedgebrook
Parking: Park in layby on Sedgebrook side of bridges.
Full members are given the cade for the gate so you can park down the access lane.
Species: Rudd, Roach, Perch, Tench, Skimmer Bream and Pike.
Jack Topps Section
A very short pound between the locks .
Section: Jack Topps between Lock 14 and Lock 13
Parking: Access from Twin Bridges or Muston Bridge.
Species: Rudd, Roach and Perch
Muston Bridge (B59)
Section: Muston Bridge (Carp Stretch) between Lock 13 and Lock 12
Location: On Woolsthorpe Lane between Muston and Stenwith.
Parking: Park in layby or on verges in single file, beware this is a narrow road with agricultural vehicles needing access.
Species: Rudd, Roach, Perch, Carp and Pike.
Fruit Farm (Muston Gorse Bridge B57)
Section: Fruit Farm between Longgore Bridge B58 and Muston Gorse Bridge B57
Location: Between Belvoir and Long Lane approximately half way along Woolsthorpe Road. Turn onto lane (right if travelling from Belvoir) (left if travelling from Long Lane) drive slowly through fruit farm. Follow track until you get to Bridge B57 (a level bridge).
Parking: Park off the track as it is narrow and used by agricultural vehicles.
Driving: Please drive slowly passed the buildings as there are children playing.
Species: Rudd, Roach, Perch and Pike.
Other access points to the B&DAA controlled canal:
Easthorpe Bridge (B56).
Belvoir Road Bridge (B55). Bottesford.
Redmile Bridge (B54).
Contact the Association
President: Mr Brian Cross 01949 844817
Chairman: Mr Mick Calcraft 07880 728680
Match Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Treasurer/ Wesite Manager: Nick Pounder email:
Brian Cross (President) 01949 844817
Mick Calcraft (Chairman) 01949 842817
Bryan Baines (Match Secretary) 01400 318345 or 07538 876131