Botteford & District Angling Association
2. The executive shall consist of President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman, Secretary, Match Secretary, Committee,
Treasurer, Vice-Chairman. In the event of a tie in voting in any matter the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
3. The Chairman and Match Secretary to be elected for two years, the committee will retire annually.
4. All meetings to be held at "The Bull" Bottesford.
5. The Annual Meeting (AGM) shall be held not later than 31st March, when the Secretary shall present a report and
audited balance sheet of the Association. Election of Officers shall take place at this meeting.
6. Any five members of the Association inclusive of Committee shall have the power to call an Extraordinary Meeting on giving notice to the Secretary seven days in advance, which notice must state the object of the meeting.
7. Membership of the Association shall be open to season ticket holders only. The membership year shall run from
1st April to 31st March the following year.
8. The annual subscription and other charges shall be fixed at the AGM.
9. Day tickets obtainable from local agents or from Bailiffs on the bank.
10. All anglers to use landing nets. Gaffs or trimmers will not be allowed.
11. Anglers shall be permitted no more than two rods and lines in use at an one time, no more than one metre apart.
12. Angling will be permitted all year round on waters controlled by the Association, with the exception of those waters subject to a statutory close season.
13. Angling will only be allowed from the towpath.
14. The removal of fish from the Association waters is strictly forbidden.
15. Live baiting is banned.
16. The infringement of the rights of the Association shall render the offender liable to prosecution. The Committee will refuse permission to fish to any person proved to have been trespassing for any unlawful purpose on land adjacent to the Association waters.
17. The Committee shall have the power to adjudicate on any question not already provided for.
18. No fires, angling at night or camping allowed and all banks to be kept free from litter. All tins to be taken home.
19. The Association waters shall extend from Woolsthorpe Wharf to Redmile Bridge on the Grantham Canal and other waters mentioned in the book.
20. Juvenile age limit is under 16 years of age on 1st January of the current year.
21. The Club Book is to be carried on the bank or a day ticket will be issued.
22. All motions and resolutions to be in writing to the Secretary four weeks prior to the AGM.
23. The financial year shall run from 1st March until the last day of February the following year.
24. Wire traces to be used when pike fishing.
25. Bloodworm and/ or joker are banned on all Association waters.
26. Dogs are to be kept on a lead at all times.
27. These forgoing Rules shall be the rules of the Association and all persons fishing in waters of the Association shall be subject thereto.
Contact the Association
President: Mr Brian Cross 01949 844817
Chairman: Mr Mick Calcraft 07880 728680
Match Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Treasurer/ Wesite Manager: Nick Pounder email:
Brian Cross (President) 01949 844817
Mick Calcraft (Chairman) 01949 842817
Bryan Baines (Match Secretary) 01400 318345 or 07538 876131