Bottesford & District Angling Association
Environment Agency Rod Licence Information
UK Statutory Law - All anglers fishing are to be in possession of a valid EA Rod Licence. As of 1st April 2017 the EA Rod Licence has undergone some changes, shown below:
1. The licence is valid for 365 days from the date of purchase
2. The Adult 2 rod licence costs £35.80
3. The Concessionary Disabled & Senior Citizen 2 rod licence will cost £23.80
4. Juniors (Aged betwen 12 and 16 years of age) is free, although a free Junior rod licence must be obtained by applying at the Post Office and registering your details. A receipt is given as proof of registration.
B&DAA Membership
Membership books and day tickets can be bought on the bank from the Association's bailiffs. Membership books can also be purchased by cheque/ bank transfer. For more information contact the Treasurer on
Annual Subscription Rates
The new prices below will start in March 2022. The annual membership books are valid from 01 April to 31 March.
Membership Books
Adult: £ 25.00
Senior Citizen/ Concessionary: £12.50
Junior: 12 to 16 years of age £5.00
Under 12 years free if accompanied by a member
Day Tickets
Adult: £4.00
Senior Citizen/ Concessionary: £3.00
Junior: £2.00
Contact the Association
President: Mr Brian Cross 01949 844817
Chairman: Mr Mick Calcraft 07880 728680
Match Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Secretary: Mr Bryan Baines 01400 318345 or 07538 876131
Treasurer/ Wesite Manager: Nick Pounder email:
Brian Cross (President) 01949 844817
Mick Calcraft (Chairman) 01949 842817
Bryan Baines (Match Secretary) 01400 318345 or 07538 876131